
PVC Modular Kitchen

Explore Personalised PVC Modular Kitchen Design at BH Stores

We present you with an incredibly cost efficient kitchen design for your modular kitchen needs. PVC is a durable material and a fabulous choice for anyone who like to put minimal effort in maintaining their kitchen. On top of that, it's very easy to customise and we can provide you with a vast scale of different material as well as aesthetic choices to match your personality. You can browse our entire collection and take a pick based on your specific requirement. Tastefully curated, we can assist you with the best possible combinations for your ultimate kitchen.

Features of PVC modular kitchen

Poly VInyl Chloride, also known as PVC is a white hard plastic used to build innumerable things including some pipes, shelves, racks etc. PVC Modular Kitchen, uses this material as the foundation, hence the name. PVC Modular Kitchens are very flexible and extremely durable. They are unaffected by water and are also corrosion free and keep termites at bay. PVC Modular kitchen have shelves and cabinets all made of PVC so are very simple and cost effective to replace.

Essentials of a PVC Modular Kitchen Design

In essence, there's not much that can go wrong with the PVC as a material, but there is just one thing to keep in mind, the better the budget, the longer lasting the kitchen will be. PVC Modular kitchen do not reqiure much thought as the installation process is very straight forward. Also, thicker and more foam filled boards will last much longer and give a  much needed fire resistant quality to the kitchen. They are safe to use as the materials are completely non-toxic and chemical free.


There are plenty of disparate options when we talk about budgets. PVC Modular kitchen can cost anywhere as low as your budget allows, there are higher end options as well in this design which basically add more features as well as the intricacies that make it more complex. 


With the power of being versatile, PVC modular kitchen designs can be any shape and style you want. We can provide you with different variations using this particular material. L shaped modular kitchen using PVC, U shaped Modular kitchen, Parallel Modular Kitchen also using the same material make this a nice, very flexible option for a first time upgrade or for someone who is looking for a little change in the design.

What is a PVC modular kitchen?

PVC Modular kitchen is a style of modular kitchen in which the finish is made of Poly Vinyl Chloride, a hard plastic material hence the name PVC. These are easily installed and replaceable design solutions for your kitchen decor needs.

How much does a PVC modular kitchen cost?

PVC modular kitchen are designed with cost in mind. They tend to run on the lower side and are highly cost effective in multiple scenarios. Depending on the amount and kind of material used, the prices could fluctuate but they are mostly always pocket friendly. 

Is PVC better than other materials?

PVC is a great material and has its own advantages and disadvantages as compared to some other materials. They are low maintenance and easy to clean.

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