
Bath Tub

Explore Personalised Bath Tubs for bathroom at BH Stores

Take your comfort quotient up a notch and indulge in our range of batthtubs that will allow you to transcend your stresses and reach that desirous state of tranqualitiy and zen. Available in a vast range of finishes and sizes to suit your personal style and use. Thoughtfully designed to ensure you get the best in design and functionality only at Beautiful Homes!

Types of Bath Tubs

Get creative and deep dive into our detailed range of bathtubs that include jacuzzis and hot baths, portable bathtubs, whirlpool bath units, standing and footed bathtubs that are available in stone,ceramic and plastic. When it comes to making sure you get where you need, we’re always one step ahead of the curve! Pick your favorite design or build that’s perfect for your space and start transforming your Beautiful Home today!

 Jacuzzi bath/Hot bathtub

The ultimate symbol of relaxation, our jacuzzis and hot baths are guaranteed to wash your worries away at the end of the day. Great for stress relief and muscle relaxation, hot baths also help improve your quality of sleep and cardiovascular activity and help purify your skin and improve its quality in the long run. Additionally, there are few things that can match the opulence and beauty of a jacuzzi unit in your home.

Corner bathtubs

Ideal for compact spaces where you still want to include higher levels of sophistication - the biggest advantage of a corner bathtub is the ability to fit many areas that traditional bathtubs may not fit into. A pick that is primarily driven by functionality but available in a wide range of designs and colors to give you the best in visual appeal as well!

Whirlpool bath

arrival in the bathroom fittings space. Give your body the special attention it needs to unwind and refresh itself with our jetted spray systems that will leave you always finding it difficult to withdraw from the tub. Available in a wide range of shapes, sizes and finishes.

Stone/ceramic bathtub/plastic bathtub

The key towards building something beautiful is not just placing expensive products together, but understanding your rooms and making sure they are complemented with fixtures and products that fit in seamlessly. At Beautiful Homes, we believe in freedom of choice and we implement it along every step of the way. Discover our stone, ceramic or plastic finishes to make sure you get exactly what you are looking for, every single time!

Standing/Footed bathtub

The finest example of simplicity being king - our standing/footed bathtub units are a visual delight and add a sense of dramatic flair to any bathroom. Ideal for large spaces, these bathtubs are largely influenced by Victorian style designs that featured a clawfoot fixture that became iconic over time due to its balance of beauty and durability.

Inflatable Bathtub

Playtime is for everyone! Get creative with our fun range of inflatable bathtubs that are portable and affordable - ideal for casual situations when you want to change up things for a bit. Incredibly durable, our inflatable tubs are made using high-quality materials that can easily deflect blows to make sure you have a truly unforgettable experience for all the right reasons


Which bath tub is best?

It purely depends on your application. For compact spaces, a corner bathtub may be an ideal choice but for larger spaces you could opt for a standing bathtub or a jacuzzi depending on your specific needs and preferences. Go through our modern bathtub range to know more!

Which bathroom fitting is best?

Best is dependent on the expectation of the end user. Depending on personal preferences for both style and utility, the best fitting is one that is long-lasting, aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. Luckily enough,the  Beautiful Homes bathroom collection has enough options to choose from!

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