

Waterproofing solutions

Terrace waterproofing

All About Waterproofing for Terrace Garden

If you are planning to add plants and beautiful flowers to your terrace, roof garden waterproofing becomes a priority. Waterproofing for terrace garden entails the application of a protective layer also called a waterproofing membrane. It not only prevents water leakage from the terrace, but it also aids in the prevention of cracks on the surface in the future . In this blog, you will learn about roof garden waterproofing methods as well as the advantages of having a waterproof garden roof.


Procedure for roof garden waterproofing

Surface Preparation: 

  1. Scrape the construction joints to get rid of any loose concrete.
  2. Start drilling holes and installing nozzles in construction joints, then patch the joint with the Asian Paints SmartCare Block Joining Mortar.
  3. Grout the nozzles that have been fixed with cement slurry and SmartCare Cement-Based Tile Grout.
  4. Get rid of any oil, grease, or loosely adhering particles from the RCC substrate.
  5. Repair the RCC with Asian Paints SmartCare Block Joining Mortar in case of cracks (more than 1 mm wide), pinholes, or other defects.


  1. Sprinkle water on the RCC substrate.
  2. Apply two coats of SmartCare Repair Polymer, after making sure that the previous coat is dry. The coats should be applied at right angles to each other.
  3. To increase the tensile strength of the cementitious coating, lay glass fibre mesh between the two coats.
  4. After the second coat has dried completely, apply the third coat of SmartCare Repair Polymer.

Protective layer 

  1. Apply a 20-mm-thick layer of Asian Paints SmartCare Block Joining Mortar where the RCC has a slope for draining water.
  2. Before filling the soil, appropriate arrangements for filtration, drainage, and so on must be made.

Advantages of Roof Garden Waterproofing

Waterproofing for roof garden provides ample benefits. By implementing roof waterproofing  measures, you can ensure enhanced protection against water penetration and subsequent damages. Let’s explore some of them:

  1. Using the right methods and products for waterproofing for roof garden helps extend its life.
  2. Roof garden waterproofing can help reduce energy costs.
  3. Waterproofing for terrace garden can also aid in stormwater management.
  4. It also helps add value to your roof garden's aesthetics.
  5. Using products like a terrace garden waterproof sheet offers ease of installation and maintenance.
  6. It helps prevent water from leaking into your home’s ceiling.



  1. How do you waterproof a terrace garden?
  2. You can efficiently waterproof your terrace garden using products like Asian Paints SmartCare Block Joining Mortar, SmartCare Cement-Based Tile Grout, and SmartCare Repair Polymer. You can also use a waterproof sheet for terrace garden to keep it free of water-related problems.

  3. Is waterproofing necessary for a terrace garden?
  4. Yes! Waterproofing for terrace garden is essential to prevent possible leaks as well as surface fractures and cracks in the future.

  5. How do I protect my terrace garden from heavy rain?
  6. To protect your terrace garden from heavy rain, it is essential to incorporate effective waterproofing solutions . This includes ensuring proper drainage systems, utilizing reliable waterproof tarpaulin covers to shield the plants, taking necessary measures to eliminate any presence of snails and slugs, redirecting water flows away from the garden area, and constructing raised beds for delicate plants.



We hope this blog helps you learn the tips and importance of waterproofing for terrace garden. For more terrace garden waterproofing details, contact us at 1800-209-5678. You can also explore our website for efficient waterproofing products from our SmartCare range.


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