Home Painting
Textured Painting
Textured wall paint can give a three-dimensional look to your walls to create a unique look for your home. Texture paints create a recurring type of pattern that is used to cover drywalls and ceilings to create a special appearance. Different wall paint texture types can be created according to the theme and design of your house.
Using texture paints can also help to restore the appearance of a wall that has been affected by bumps, water damage, or unevenness. Various types of texture paint can be used to complement false ceilings, create accent walls, or cover the entire wall space with textured colour. Here’s a look at different wall paint texture types that you can choose for your home.
One of the most popular types of texture paint that has been applied in homes for a long time is the popcorn wall texture. The popcorn wall texture is applied using a Hopper Gun to create a thick layer of texture on the wall that resembles the appearance of popcorn. The popcorn wall texture is also suitable for walls near plumbing architecture to conceal the water damage that can be caused to these walls. In such cases, exterior texture paint with waterproofing properties can be especially beneficial to prevent moisture infiltration and maintain the wall's integrity.
The skip trowel texture is one the most convenient types of texture paint that can be used to create rustic-looking accent walls. The skip trowel texture is created by spreading a thin layer of plaster material on the surface by using a trowel knife. The trowel knife is used to create random patterns on the surface by spreading the plaster with a light stroke that skips some area of the surface.
The knockdown texture is created by applying a base coat of paint on the required wall and letting it dry. After the paint is dry, the texture is created by knocking down the paint at random points on the wall using a painting knife. Special tools are also available in the market for creating the knockdown texture. This texture is most suitable for bedroom walls, ceilings, or accent walls where you can create a beautiful orange wall paint texture.
The combing wall texture consists of a fixed set of grouped lines that are repeatedly carved on the wall at particular angles. The combing wall texture is a simple yet expressive design that can be created easily using a comb trowel tool. The process begins by applying a primer on the wall and letting it dry completely. Then the comb trowel tool is used to create uniform patterns of lines, mostly in the shape of a rainbow on the wall.
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Different types of textured walls can be created using the slap brush texture to create distinctive thin-lined designs. The slap brush texture is created by applying a mixture of drywall compound to the wall and then using a special texture brush to create the desired effect. Different types of textured walls can be created by using special brushes with patterns such as crow’s feet, stamp, rosebud, or panda paw.
The sand swirl texture consists of a swirl design that is usually created in repeating circular motion. This texture is created with the help of two people where one person applies a primer mixed with sand to the wall and the other person creates the swirl texture. The sand swirl texture can be created either with hands, a brush, or a comb. You can create a modern-looking orange wall paint texture by applying a suitable orange colour after the sand swirl texture is completely dry.
Use the Asian Paints Safe Painting Service to get the right assistance to choose the correct wall texture and paint as per your needs. Products from the range of Asian Paints Royale Play will be used to create customizable wall-textured patterns. A suitable textured paint can be selected from the range of colours provided by Asian Paints to choose the colour shade of your choice.
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