Home Painting
Painting the walls of your house can be an intricate process that requires precise application while taking care of various factors. One such factor is the temperature of the ambient surrounding which can influence the result of paintwork. Temperature can play an important role in deciding how the paint will adhere to the walls and how long it will last over time, especially during house exterior painting.
If you have decided to undertake the process of house painting in winter, then there are a few things you need to consider for winter painting. Although house painting in winter is considered an ideal time, you have to be careful if the temperature drops too low. House painting in cold weather with extremely low temperatures can affect the quality of paintwork drastically.
Let’s take a look at all the factors you need to consider while interior or exterior painting in cold weather.
Temperature is the most important factor to monitor while house painting in the winter season of the year. If the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius, then it can affect the composition of the paint being used on the walls. Using water-based paint for winter painting with a temperature below 10 degrees Celsius can cause the water base in the paint to freeze.
On the other hand, using oil-based paint at a similar ambient temperature can make the paint thicker than normal. Due to this reason, the oil-based paint will show inconsistency and difficulty in the application while painting in cold weather. It is advised to consider house painting in cold weather when the ambient temperature is above 10 degrees Celsius.
The surface temperature is a key metric to get the interior as well as the exterior wall paint right. The surface temperature which accounts for the temperature of the walls and ceiling is usually a few degrees lower than the atmospheric temperature. This can create an error in judgement since you may consider the atmospheric temperature as per the manufacturer’s guide while interior as well as exterior home painting. It is important to know the surface temperature correctly before starting an interior or exterior home painting process.
There are special paints available in the market that are formulated for cold weather conditions. Using these paints for interior and exterior painting in cold weather will ensure that the paint is applied and cured in the right manner. Special paints designed for the winter season can be applied with an ambient temperature as low as 2 degrees Celsius. Both the house exterior painting and the house interior painting can be carried out in cold weather conditions using these types of paints.
The Asian Paints Safe Painting Service is a one-stop solution for all your painting needs. The Asian Paints Safe Painting Service provides different facilities such as colour consultation, supervised painting, and trained professionals that will provide a clean and precise paint job. Asian Paints is a quality painting company that provides post-painting professional cleaning with deep sanitization and a 1-year service product warranty. Their experienced painting contractors ensure meticulous attention to detail, delivering flawless finishes while adhering to the highest standards of quality and professionalism.
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