
Crack Filling

Steps to repair cracks and holes in internal walls

Your home environment can remain safe and secure as long as the foundation of your house remains strong. Your home’s environment is not only prone to dust & pollution from the outside but also the damage that can seep in! And the most common source that allows water, germs, and eventual damage to seep in is wall cracks!

Those that have been living in their homes for more than a decade or face extreme weather conditions, may notice tiny cracks or even gaping holes in their interior as well as exterior walls. Since most people are confused by how these wall cracks appear, let’s understand their root causes and the wall crack repairs.

Types of Wall Cracks

The first step to wall crack repair is to understand the type of wall cracks, this helps you to make the call if it needs to be repaired and what way it needs to be repaired. So let's dive in and understand the type of wall cracks -


Hairline Cracks

Hairline cracks are less than 1mm in width. They can form in plastered and painted surfaces because of slight variations or small settlement movements of the building materials. These cracks are typically cosmetic but can be considered a problem if moisture penetrates through the cracks and fuels further deterioration over time.

Hairline Wall Crack - Asian Paints
A wall with a hairline crack


Shrinkage Cracks

Shrinkage cracks result from the natural drying process of plaster, concrete, or mortar. As these materials lose moisture and shrink, they can develop small cracks. While these are non-structural and primarily aesthetic, addressing them early with wall crack repair can help avoid more extensive cracking, especially in climates with extreme temperature variations.

Shrinkage Wall Crack - Asian Paints
A wall with a shrinkage crack


Structural Cracks

Structural cracks are typically larger and more severe, often caused by shifts in the foundation, load-bearing wall stress, or heavy external pressure. These cracks may appear in both vertical and horizontal patterns and can indicate serious underlying issues in a building. Immediate wall crack repair is necessary to prevent structural failure and ensure the safety of the property.

Structural Wall Crack - Asian Paints
An exterior wall with a structural crack


Settlement Cracks

Settlement cracks occur when a building's foundation settles unevenly over time due to soil movement, poor construction, or water drainage issues. These cracks are usually wider at one end and narrow at the other. Timely wall crack repair, especially by professionals, is crucial to prevent further foundation damage and ensure the building's long-term stability.

Settlement Wall Crack - Asian Paints
A wall with a settlement crack


What causes a wall crack?

Visible wall cracks are one of the most common concerns individuals have with their home’s structural integrity. Concerned that these wall cracks cause further breakdown of the wall or allow water to penetrate further, it’s important to under what causes a wall crack. Here are some of the main reasons why a wall develops a crack:-


1. Settling over time 

Just like our skin develops wrinkles and fine lines as we age, so does your home. As your home ages, it undergoes several changes, movement of the ground, and expected wear & tear. This may cause tiny wall cracks based on what changes the house undergoes.


2. Vacant home  

Leaving a home vacant can also cause wall cracks! The lack of climate control and other solutions like waterproofing and dampproofing can cause the development of wall cracks on interior and exterior walls.


3. Faulty drywall taping

As your home has drywall, it is essential that they are correctly taped or else it can cause wall cracks. Drywall panels are joined at the seam by drywall mud, and the seam is then covered with tape and finally painted. If this seam isn’t properly filled and sealed, the tape can start to disintegrate and leave thin cracks in your wall.


4. Water leak

One of the most common issues in households is water leakage and eventual damage. Water finds a way to get through and thus, waterproofing is essential. Moisture can also ruin drywalls by softening it and ultimately causing cracks.

A wall with a crack sealed with solution

Why is wall crack repair important?

Wall crack repairing can be done with crack filling which is an extremely crucial preventive measure that needs to be taken to protect your home from subsequent damage. On noticing deep holes or cracks in your walls, you must opt for crack filling solutions or crack seals for walls immediately as they safeguard your home from several other issues, such as water leakage, mould infestation, bacterial and fungal growth, termites, and wood damage. A crack seal is essential for securing your walls, roof, basement, and other concrete surfaces!

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How to Repair Your Wall Crack?


1. Clean and Prepare the Crack

Clear away furniture and other home decor items and put down a sheet below the wall with cracks. Using the right tools and equipment, gently open up the cracks to ensure that the wall crack filler or crack filler for concrete can be effortlessly applied and is the best solution for securing concrete cracks. Dust away fallout material and spray water to prepare for crack filling.


2. Apply Crack Filler or Patch Compound

Using the right tools or knife, apply the wall crack filler or patch compound into the holes and push it in. Spread it evenly & smooth off the edges in a feathering motion for a professional touch, this will help to cover all the cracks uniformly. 


3. Adding Layers for Larger Holes

If your walls have larger holes, they will need special care. Ease open the hole, dust out all loose material, and spray some water to prep. Apply the crack filler for walls inside the large gap, and spread it in a criss-cross pattern for better grip of the next layer. Push it in evenly and wait for it to dry before you add more layers to fill the large hole or deep crack. Once it’s filled to the edge, even off the last layer for a smooth finish! If the crack filler is not appropriately applied for large holes in your walls, it is best to seek professional assistance for the best crack filling service! 


4. Reinforce with Mesh Tape

For wider or deeper cracks, reinforcing the area with mesh tape can provide added strength and prevent future cracking. After applying the initial layer of crack filler or patch compound, place the self-adhesive mesh tape over the crack. This tape helps to bridge the gap and stabilizes the repair. Once the tape is securely in place, apply another layer of the patch compound over the tape, ensuring it's fully covered. Smooth the surface evenly, feathering the edges, and allow it to dry completely before sanding or applying additional coats if necessary for a seamless finish.


5. Smoothening Corners

For cracks and holes on corners, fix this using a straight batten or a long, flat piece of timber. Nail the batten or timber with one edge of the corner, fill the crack until it is sealed completely, and smoothen the surface with the batten.


6. Sand, Prime, and Paint

For a superior finish, lightly sand the areas where you applied the crack filler or crack seal for walls with fine sandpaper once the filling is completely dry. Apply a coat of wall paint or wallpaper for the finished look!


Asian Paints Smartcare Crack Seal

How can Asian Paints help you with repairing the cracks in internal walls?


At Asian Paints, we believe that maintaining a healthy, strong & weather-resistant home depends on the quality of waterproofing, dampproofing and crack filling. When it comes to crack filling, it is important to choose high-quality and durable crack filler products for securing your interior and exterior walls, crack seal for the roof, and any other surface with large gaps and holes.  Keeping this in mind, we at Asian Paints have devised an incredible wall crack sealant product range, including ready-to-use products like Smart Care Crackseal, SmartCare Textured Crack Filler, Smartcare Repair Polymer, Akrylmax, SmartCare Hybrid PU Sealant, SmartCare Crack Shield, and many more! Besides plastering & securing the holes, the wall crack seal products also effectively waterproof your home against water leakage & eventual damage! Our crack seal products are the ultimate filler solutions for safeguarding your home's health & structural integrity by securing the roof, walls, and concrete surfaces! For expert application, consider hiring a painting contractor to ensure quality and longevity.

FAQs on Wall Crack Repair


What are the most common types of cracks in walls?

The most common types of cracks in walls include vertical, horizontal, and diagonal cracks. Vertical cracks often result from normal settling and are usually less concerning. Horizontal cracks can indicate foundation issues due to soil pressure. Diagonal cracks may arise from structural movement or foundation settling, especially if they appear around doors or windows.


How can I tell if a wall crack is serious or just cosmetic?

To determine if a wall crack is serious or just cosmetic, consider the crack's width, location, and any associated structural issues. Cracks wider than a quarter-inch, especially if they appear suddenly, might indicate a serious issue. Cracks near doors, windows, or horizontal cracks suggest potential structural problems. Cosmetic cracks are usually hairline and don't affect wall integrity.


What is the best way to repair hairline cracks in plaster or drywall?

For wall crack repair in plaster or drywall, start by cleaning the crack to remove loose debris. Apply a thin layer of joint compound or filler using a putty knife, ensuring it fills the crack. Allow it to dry, then sand the area smooth. Finally, repaint the surface for a seamless finish, matching the existing wall colour.


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