Waterproofing Solutions & Services

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Explore our range of offering

We offer waterproofing of terrace, roofs, basements, ceilings, concrete walls, floors, cracks filling for all kinds of residential, commercial buildings and structures.

Explore our range of offering

We offer waterproofing of terrace, roofs, basements, ceilings, concrete walls, floors, cracks filling for all kinds of residential, commercial buildings and structures.

Terrace & tanks
Avoid leaks and damp-proof your roof with the line of waterproofing products we have to offer.
Protect your homes from the exteriors and avoid seepage issues by our range of exterior waterproofing solutions.
Keep your home interiors protected from dampness and efflorescence with our range of interior waterproofing solutions.
Dodge the problem of unwanted seepage and leakage in your bathrooms with expert waterproofing solutions.
Cracks & Joints
Seal cracks, holes, and dents in difficult corners that are leakage-prone and get easy solutions to waterproofing.
Tiling Solutions
Say goodbye to loose tiles and leakages from tile gaps by our range of tiling solutions.
All Products
Go through all of our waterproofing products and see what you require according to your needs.

Understanding when & why to use waterproofing

Prevent seepage from drain outlets on terrace
Cause of the problem
Prevent seepage from drain outlets on terrace
Improper sloping or drain outlets can lead to stagnant water accumulation on terrace. To tackle this, surrounding of drain outlet must be filled with SmartCare GP grout or SmartCare Repair Mortar to avoid water accumulation & seepage issues in the future
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Prevent seepage from flower pots on terrace
Cause of the problem
Prevent seepage from flower pots on terrace
One of the direct sources of leakage on your ceiling can be terrace. Terrace experiences huge weathering and civil work abuse. It is used for installing AC compressors, piping, towers and terrace gardens. These works cause seepage & leakage problems. Hence it is necessary to waterproof the surface at source i.e terrace. In order to tackle this issue, SmartCare Vitalia Neo can be used with cement or concrete to make the surface waterproof at construction stage itself.
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Prevent terrace seepage from water openings and columns on terrace
Cause of the problem
Prevent terrace seepage from water openings and columns on terrace
During constrution of the house, reinforcement bars are left open which can act as a source of water accumulation due to rainfall. This not only corrodes the steel strcuture of the bars or coulmns but also leads the water to leak from the terrace. To take care of these issues, such open bars or columns can be filled with SmartCare Repair Polymer filled with concrete which will make the surface waterproof & ensure such issues dont occur in future.
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Prevent terrace seepage for under construction walls
Cause of the problem
Prevent terrace seepage for under construction walls
Open space between joints of terrace & parapet walls can allow water to seep in through that area which can result in leakage from the terrace. To seal these gaps or joints, SmartCare Roof Tape can be sued before applying SmartCare Damp Proof while waterproofing the terrace.
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Prevent seepage from terrace & leakage on ceilings & walls below
Cause of the problem
Prevent seepage from terrace & leakage on ceilings & walls below
One of the direct sources of leakage on your ceiling can be terrace. Terrace experiences huge weathering and civil work abuse. It is used for installing AC compressors, piping, towers and terrace gardens. These works cause seepage & leakage problems. Hence it is necessary to waterproof the surface at source i.e terrace. In order to tackle this issue, SmartCare Vitalia Neo can be used with cement or concrete to make the surface waterproof at construction stage itself.
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Prevent water accumulation on chajjas & sunroofs
Cause of the problem
Prevent water accumulation on chajjas & sunroofs
Chajjas or sunroofs are designed in a way that they are at an angular junction to main structure. They prevent free flow of water from vertical surface. Thus leading to stagnant water accumulation at these surface which can be a potential source of waterproofing issue. Acrylic coatings like Damp proof and Damp Sheath Exterior can help in preventing such waterproofing problems.
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Waterproofing of water retaining structures
Cause of the problem
Waterproofing of water retaining structures
Water tanks and other cement based water retaining structures are a critical elements for any construction. These structures can be susceptibe to cracks owing to excess water pressure, ageing or temperature variations. In such a case, water may leak from the surface & inadequate waterproofing in these areas can lead to seepage within the structure as well as the loss of significant amounts of water that is being stored for consumption. Usage of Epoxy Triblock can help in preventing occurance of such issues in future since it not only waterproofs the surface but also ensures water is fit for drinking.
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Prevent seepage from terrace & leakage on ceilings & walls below
Cause of the problem
Prevent seepage from terrace & leakage on ceilings & walls below
Leakage and seepage can be caused by improper slopes, clogged drainage pipes, cracks and damages on the terrace slab, resulting in standing water on the roof which leads to seepage and leakage on the floor below. Acrylic coatings like SmartCare Damp Proof Xtreme provide lamination to terrace and helps is resolving waterproofing issues. 
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Prevent seepage, leakage and dampness from terrace tiles
Cause of the problem
Prevent seepage, leakage and dampness from terrace tiles
A terrace with tiles or china chips has many joints. Improper filling of these joints and cracks in tiles may lead to waterproofing problems. For application of Damp proof above these chips, tile primer is required. 
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Prevent black spot & Algal formation on terrace during rains
Cause of the problem
Prevent black spot & Algal formation on terrace during rains
Alage & moulds grow on terrace if there is any source of moisture present on the terrace. Often rainwater & untrated water on terrace can act the sources of moisture which leads to black spots formation & eventually algal growth around those surfaces on your terrace. To tackle this issue, SmartCare Damp Proof Xtreme can be used which arrests all water sources & makes your terrace waterproof.
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Prevent water accumulation on chajjas & sunroofs
Cause of the problem
Prevent water accumulation on chajjas & sunroofs
Chajjas or sunroofs are designed in a way that they are at an angular junction to main structure. They prevent free flow of water from vertical surface. Thus leading to stagnant water accumulation at these surface which can be a potential source of waterproofing issue. Acrylic coatings like Damp Proof and Damp Sheath Exterior can be used to waterproof these surfaces and ensure water doesnt leak from them.
Recommended products
Slopes/Drain Outlets
Garden/flower pots
Open reinforcement
Parapet wall & terrace joint
Parapet & sunroofs
Water Retaining Structures
Terrace Tiles
Algal formation
Parapet & sunroofs
Prevent damp patches on adjacent interior wall
Cause of the problem
Prevent damp patches on adjacent interior wall
Often bathroom adjacent walls are prone to dampness & leakage due to various water sources in bathroom. Some of the main reasons that allow water to traverse to the interior walls are gaps between bathroom tiles, broken tiles, gap between bathroom pipe & wall. In order to avoid these issues, it is necessary to ensure such issues are taken care of at the construction stage itself thus safeguarding the interior wall from such issues in future.
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Prevent leakage through sanitary gaps & joints
Cause of the problem
Prevent leakage through sanitary gaps & joints
Most houses while designing bathrooms forget to take care of leakage sources from bathroom which causes issue in their home interiors later on. Any gap between sanitary joints can allow water to accumulate or traverse through that area to the surrounding walls of the bathroom and if the walls are not waterproofed it can lead to leakage from the interior walls. To prevent such issues, any bathroom gaps can be filled by SmartCare Xtremoseal
Prevent water accumulation between tile joints
Cause of the problem
Prevent water accumulation between tile joints
Often when tiles of the house are changed, gaps or joints between tiles are prone to occur. To ensure these gaps later don’t act as a source of water arrest, it is necessary to fill them at the time of tile installation itself. SmartCare Epoxy Tile grout 3k takes of these problems which makes the joints water resistant & also offers you shade options to chhose from & match your tile color.
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Prevent efflorescence or salt deposition on walls
Cause of the problem
Prevent efflorescence or salt deposition on walls
Leakages from washrooms, sanitary joints, tiles lead to waterproofing issues. It is important to incorporate waterproofing solutions to handle dampness abuses. Efflorescence is a crystalline deposition of salt on masonry surfaces. Ground water is often the main source of efflorescence due to the presence of dissolved salt in it. This water is absorbed by bricks post which it begins to evaporate, leaving behind salt deposits. To prevent surfacing of this issue use SmartCare Damp Block 2K along with Smartcare Vitalia.
Recommended Products
Damp patches
Gaps & joints
Tile joints
Interior walls
Prevent leakage through sanitary gaps to switchboards
Cause of the problem
Prevent leakage through sanitary gaps to switchboards
Switchboards are designed in a way that are potential gaps between their edges & interior walls. Masons often fill up these gaps and joints without ensuring the color is matched to the substrate. Silicone sealants come in limted colours hence it is a prevalent issue which spoils the look of your finished wall. Paintable sealants like Akrylmax help in overcoming this problem.
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Prevent leakage from gap in joints of window & door frames
Cause of the problem
Prevent leakage from gap in joints of window & door frames
In constructions, spaces need to be created to fit window frames, doors etc. If the space created is greater than the actual size of the fitting, it results in gaps. These gaps can act as sources of water accumulation & allow water seepage to adjacent walls. If not treated with an appropriate sealant, they may eventually cause waterproofing problems. Neutral silicone sealants like Xtremoseal can be used for filling these gaps and joints which also makes that surface water resistant.
Prevent dampness and seepage in balcony and tiled areas
Cause of the problem
Prevent dampness and seepage in balcony and tiled areas
Balcony tiles are often fixed with cement mixture which acts as a temporary solution since the poor adhesion between the cement & the tile can lead to chipping off or breaking off the tiles from the surface. In addition to this, when waters accumulate on the tiles, it seeps in through the surface & can cause other waterproofing issues. To tackle both these issues, SmartCatre Tile Adhesive can be used.
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Prevent dampness and water accumulation in kitchen sink and seewage
Cause of the problem
Prevent dampness and water accumulation in kitchen sink and seewage
While designing kitchen sinks, often gap is left between the sink and platform & sink the below sewage area. These gaps can let the seawage water pass through them and act as source of leakages. To fill these gaps, SmartCare Xtremoseal can be used which will also prevent the gaps against water resistance.
Prevent dampness and seepage in balcony and grill fitting around it
Cause of the problem
Prevent dampness and seepage in balcony and grill fitting around it
Grill fitted balconies often have gaps between the balcony floors & the grill surface. These gaps can allow water during rainfall to seep in the balcony & lead to leakage issues in future. To tackle this issue, these gaps must be filled with repair mortar or SmartCare Textured Crack Filler.
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Prevent damp patches which ruin paint finish
Cause of the problem
Prevent damp patches which ruin paint finish
Penetrating damp is the process of moisture moving from the exterior wall of a building to the interior. It occurs when outside moisture like wind-driven rain impacts a building’s wall. Building materials of the house have pores which soak up rain to saturate the wall with penetrating damp. Hence to tackle issues of mild dampness, SmartCare Damp Sheath Interior can be used as a preventive measure
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Prevent dampness on skirting area
Cause of the problem
Prevent dampness on skirting area
Efflorescence is a crystalline deposition of salt on masonry surfaces. Rain or Ground water seeps in through the soil and rises through the porous brick and concrete structure through capillary action. In the process of traveling through the brick and concrete structure, the water dissolves the salt present in the structure which appears on the wall when the water evaporates from the surface. Preventive Waterproofing while constructing a new house can prevent efflorescence from appearing on the walls.
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Prevent efflorescence: salt deposition on interior walls
Cause of the problem
Prevent efflorescence: salt deposition on interior walls
Leakages from washrooms, sanitary joints, tiles lead to waterproofing issues. It is important to incorporate waterproofing solutions to handle dampness abuses. Efflorescence is a crystalline deposition of salt on masonry surfaces. Ground water is often the main source of efflorescence due to the presence of dissolved salt in it. This water is absorbed by bricks post which it begins to evaporate, leaving behind salt deposits. To prevent surfacing of this issue use SmartCare Damp Block 2K along with Smartcare Vitalia Neo
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Prevent damp patches which ruin paint finish
Cause of the problem
Prevent damp patches which ruin paint finish
Leakage and seepage can be caused by various sources in bathroom or exterior walls. Some of the common causes can be bathroom pipes, sanitary joints, or cracks on exterior walls through which water travels & causes dampness on adjacent interior walls. To tackle this dampness at plaster level itself, SmartCare Hydrioloc Xtreme can be used.
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Prevent dampness on ceiling
Cause of the problem
Prevent dampness on ceiling
Leakage and seepage can be caused by improper slopes, clogged drainage pipes, cracks and damages on the terrace slab, resulting in standing water on the roof which leads to seepage and leakage on the floor below. Acrylic coatings like SmartCare Damp Proof Xtreme provide lamination to terrace and helps is resolving waterproofing issues. To repair your ceilings, SmartCare Hydroloc Xtreme can be used
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Prevent dampness on skirting area
Cause of the problem
Prevent dampness on skirting area
Efflorescence is a crystalline deposition of salt on masonry surfaces. Rain or Ground water seeps in through the soil and rises through the porous brick and concrete structure through capillary action. In the process of traveling through the brick and concrete structure, the water dissolves the salt present in the structure which appears on the wall when the water evaporates from the surface. Totackle this issue, SmartCare Damp Block2k can be used.
Recommended products
Window & door frames
Balcony Slab/tiles
Kitchen sink & sewage
Grill fittings
Damp patches on wall
Skirting area
Skirting area
Prevent damp patches which ruin paint finish
Cause of the problem
Prevent damp patches which ruin paint finish
There are many causes of moisture in the structure of a building, such as leaking pipes,and damage tod roofs. However, a high proportion of damp problems in buildings are caused by rain penetration, condensation or rising damp. To avoid damp patches surfacing due to mild moisture existing in substrate SmartCare Damp Sheath Exterior can be used.
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Get prefect leak-proof finish for your exterior walls
Cause of the problem
Get prefect leak-proof finish for your exterior walls
Leakages from external water sources like rainfall, natural moisture or water from gardening tend to damage exterior walls by seeping in them and causing dampness. To prevent such dampness, it is recommended to use SmartCare Damp Sheath Exterior which acts as a waterproofing primer for your exterior walls.
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Prevent dampness on skirting area
Cause of the problem
Prevent dampness on skirting area
Water from rainfall, gardening, plumbing failures or ground water rising lead to waterproofing issues, especially in the skirting areas which are closer to the ground level. It is important to incorporate waterproofing solutions to handle such dampness. Efflorescence is a crystalline deposition of salt on masonry surfaces. Ground water is often the main source of efflorescence due to presence of dissolved salt in it. This water is absorbed by bricks post which it begins to evaporate, leaving behind salt deposits. To prevent surfacing of this issue use SmartCare Damp Block 2K at brick level along with Smartcare Vitalia in the plaster.
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Prevent leakage in swimming pools and water retaining structures
Cause of the problem
Prevent leakage in swimming pools and water retaining structures
Swimming Pools are water retaining structures. Inadequate waterproofing in these areas can lead to seepage within the structure as well as the loss of significant amounts of water that is being stored. Usage of Epoxy Triblock can help in preventing occurance of such issues in future.
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Prevent damp patches on exterior walls
Cause of the problem
Prevent damp patches on exterior walls
Damp Patches on exterior walls occur due to various reasons like rainfall, seepage of water during cleaning or other sources on terrace. Once the water seeps in, it also spoils the paint of the exterior walls. To tackle this issue, if SmartCare Damp Proof Xtreme is opted as solution, it will waterproof the walls & prevent the water from seeping in future.
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Get prefect leak-proof finish for your exterior walls
Cause of the problem
Get prefect leak-proof finish for your exterior walls
Leakages from external water sources like rainfall, natural moisture or water from gardening tend to damage exterior walls by seeping in them and causing dampness. To prevent such dampness, it is recommended to use SmartCare Damp Sheath Exterior which acts as a waterproofing primer for your exterior walls.
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Prevent dampness on skirting area
Cause of the problem
Prevent dampness on skirting area
Water from rainfall, gardening, plumbing failures or ground water rising lead to waterproofing issues, especially in the skirting areas which are closer to the ground level. It is important to incorporate waterproofing solutions to handle such dampness. Efflorescence is a crystalline deposition of salt on masonry surfaces. Ground water is often the main source of efflorescence due to presence of dissolved salt in it. This water is absorbed by bricks post which it begins to evaporate, leaving behind salt deposits. To prevent surfacing of this issue use SmartCare Damp Block 2K at brick level along with Smartcare Vitalia in the plaster.
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Prevent leakage in swimming pools and water retaining structures
Cause of the problem
Prevent leakage in swimming pools and water retaining structures
Swimming Pools are water retaining structures. Inadequate waterproofing in these areas can lead to seepage within the structure as well as the loss of significant amounts of water that is being stored. Usage of Epoxy Triblock can help in preventing occurance of such issues in future.
Recommended products
Damp Patches
Waterproofing Primer
Skirting Areas
Swimming Pool & Water Retaining Structures
Damp patches
Waterproofing Primer
Skirting Areas
Swimming Pool & Water Retaining Structures
Prevent leakage from railings & tiles on balcony floor
Cause of the problem
Prevent leakage from railings & tiles on balcony floor
Grill fitted balconies often have gaps between the balcony floors & the grill surface. These gaps can allow water during rainfall to seep in the balcony & lead to leakage issues in future. To tackle this issue, these gaps must be filled with repair mortar or SmartCare Textured Crack Filler.
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Prevent leakage from bathroom tiles
Cause of the problem
Prevent leakage from bathroom tiles
Bathroom tiles are often fixed with cement mixture which acts as a temporary solution since the poor adhesion between the cement & the tile can lead to chipping off or breaking off the tiles from the surface. In addition to this, when waters accumulate on the tiles, it seeps in through the surface & can cause other waterproofing issues. To tackle both these issues, SmartCatre Tile Adhesive can be used.
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Avoid poor adhesion leading to tile slippage or de-boding
Cause of the problem
Avoid poor adhesion leading to tile slippage or de-boding
Conventionally a manually made mixture of ordinary cement and sand is used for tiling. These cement-sand mixtures offer a very low bond and shear adhesion, which further leads to tile slippage or de-bonding. Since the process of making these mixtures is not standardised, there is no quality control as well. The mixing ratio and quality of material being used depends entirely on the skill of the applicator. Use the suitable SmartCare Tile Adhesive to solve this tiling problem and to prevent it from resurfacing in the future.
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Avoid poor adhesion leading to tile slippage or de-boding
Cause of the problem
Avoid poor adhesion leading to tile slippage or de-boding
Conventionally a manually made mixture of ordinary cement and sand is used for tiling. These cement-sand mixtures offer a very low bond and shear adhesion, which further leads to tile slippage or de-bonding. Since the process of making these mixtures is not standardised, there is no quality control as well. The mixing ratio and quality of material being used depends entirely on the skill of the applicator. Use the suitable SmartCare Tile Adhesive to solve this tiling problem and to prevent it from resurfacing in future.
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Avoid seepage from tiling in balcony and kitchen
Cause of the problem
Avoid seepage from tiling in balcony and kitchen
Balcony or Kitchen tiles are often fixed with cement mixture which acts as a temporary solution since the poor adhesion between the cement & the tile can lead to chipping off or breaking off the tiles from the surface. In addition to this, when waters accumulate on the tiles, it seeps in through the surface & can cause other waterproofing issues. To tackle both these issues, SmartCatre Tile Adhesive can be used.
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Prevent stains on tile joints
Cause of the problem
Prevent stains on tile joints
When tiling or re-tiling happens, it is necessary to ensure the gaps or joints between the tiles are also filled & no surface is left hollow. To avoid settling of stains on tile joints in future , epoxy based tile grouts can be used. SmartCare Epoxy Tile Grout 3k is once such solution which comes in multiple shades & is easily cleanable.
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Prevent shade variation in tile joint fillers
Cause of the problem
Prevent shade variation in tile joint fillers
Customers while doing re-tiling often struggle to find a matching the colour of joint filler is difficult due to limited availability of shades in conventional grout fillers. This also spoils the overall look of the tiles. To overcome this issue, the wide shade range of SmartCare Epoxy Tile Grout can be used which comes in direct shades hence no isse of shade variation occurs.
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Avoid seepage from tiling in swimming pool
Cause of the problem
Avoid seepage from tiling in swimming pool
Swimming Pools are water retaining structures. Inadequate waterproofing in these areas can lead to seepage within the structure as well as the loss of significant amounts of water that is being stored. Usage of Epoxy Triblock can help in preventing occurance of such issues in future.
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Reduce extra time, effort, money and debris in case of complete re-tiling
Cause of the problem
Reduce extra time, effort, money and debris in case of complete re-tiling
When consumers rennovate homes, they often look at changing tiles too. But it involves the hassle of completely rehauling the tile surface by first removing old tiles & then removing new tiles. But with SmartCare Tile on Tile Adhesives, the pain of removing the tiles can be reduced. This will also help save lot of time & money.
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Prevent improper grouting & leak from tile joints
Cause of the problem
Prevent improper grouting & leak from tile joints
Often when tiles of the house are changed, gaps or joints between tiles are prone to occur. To ensure these gaps later don’t act as a source of water arrest, it is necessary to fill them at the time of tile installation itself. SmartCare Epoxy Tile grout 3k takes of these problems which makes the joints water resistant & also offers you shade options to chhose from & match your tile color.
Recommended products
Balcony floor
Bathroom tiling
Tile Slippage on vertical surface
Tile slippage/debonding
Balcony/Kitchen tiling
Stains on tile joints
Shade variation in tile joint fillers
Swimming Pool
Tile joints
Prevent leakage from gap in joints of window & door frames
Cause of the problem
Prevent leakage from gap in joints of window & door frames
In constructions, spaces need to be created to fit window frames, doors etc. If the space created is greater than the actual size of the fitting, it results in gaps. These gaps can act as sources of water accumulation & allow water seepage to adjacent walls. If not treated with an appropriate sealant, they may eventually cause waterproofing problems. Neutral silicone sealants like Xtremoseal can be used for filling these gaps and joints which also makes that surface water resistant
Prevent leakage through sanitary gaps to switchboards
Cause of the problem
Prevent leakage through sanitary gaps to switchboards
Switchboards are designed in a way that are potential gaps between their edges & interior walls. Masons often fill up these gaps and joints without ensuring the color is matched to the substrate. Silicone sealants come in limted colours hence it is a prevalent issue which spoils the look of your finished wall. Paintable sealants like Akrylmax help in overcoming this problem.
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Prevent cracks on walls or load bearing areas
Cause of the problem
Prevent cracks on walls or load bearing areas
Imporper structural designs can give rise to several structural problems such as cracks on the surface. Structural cracks typically appear due to weakening of the load bearing parts in the structure through ingress of waterThese cracks can be due to lack of strength in concrete, undersize steel structure, etc. To tackle this issue, SmartCare Repair Polymer can be mixed with concrete to ensure concrete has necessary withstand capacity & such issues dont occur in the future.
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Prevent spider web like Cracks on painted surface
Cause of the problem
Prevent spider web like Cracks on painted surface
Cracks appear on walls due to shrinkage or vibrations arising due to temperature variations. These cracks then allow water to seep in through them & cause leakage problems from the area surrounding the cracks. In order to tackle this, Crackseal can be used to repair these cracks on both interior & exterior walls.
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Prevent cracks on sunshades & parapet walls
Cause of the problem
Prevent cracks on sunshades & parapet walls
Perpendicular joints in sun roofs and parapet walls are prone to cracks because of differential expansion and contract due to weather changes and general vibrations that affect a building. These can cause cracks which allow water to seep through and reach the interior ceilings and walls causing dampness. Damp Sheaths provides budget waterproofing solution resolve these issues.
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Prevent seepage in expansion Joints
Cause of the problem
Prevent seepage in expansion Joints
Structural cracks typically appear due to weakening of the load bearing parts in the structure through ingress of water. They may also occur due to incorrect design, faulty construction or overloading. Since it may affect the safety of the building over long term, it is critical to treat them.
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Plaster cracks in interior and exterior wall surfaces
Cause of the problem
Plaster cracks in interior and exterior wall surfaces
Since our exterior surfaces are in driect contact of weather conditions of heat, rainfall & sun they are prone to severe weathering over period of time and suffer more thermal movements. Sometimes they are wider than interior cracks and require a more flexible solution. In order to accomodate these thermal movements, these bigger cracks can be filled by SmartCare Textured Crack Filler which also makes the surface waterproofed & hence not only fills the cracks but prevents water seep in from it the next time
Recommended products
Window & door frames
Structural cracks
Cracks on painted surface
Sunshades & parapet walls